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What is BMC?

BMC is the acronym for The Black Mercedes Club.   BMC is a online directory specifically designed to support minority businesses and businesses wanting to do business with minorities.  The ultimate goal of BMC is to be a one stop resource for individuals not just in Atlanta but throughout the United States.  BMC will thereby provide you with the opportunity to feel comfortable as you travel by having knowledge of businesses, activites and resources in the cities you visit.  We offer you a packed event calendar from which you can pick and choose the events of your liking. BMC allows you to have fun and meet new people in a relaxed, no-pressure environment!

Our Sponsors are the wonderful business men and women that support BMC by offering discounts to our members, hosting events and sponsoring our community service projects.

What BMC is NOT?

BMC is NOT a dating or singles club. It's made up of people that are single, dating or married that may or may not be owners of a Mercedes Benz.  All Mercedes Benz owners and enthusiasts are welcome and encouraged to join! BMC does not have any religious or political affiliations. We strive to make all people feel welcome in the club. BMC is NOT a non-profit group.  However, BMC does have a section entitled BMC Charities that will be a non-profit organization arm of the BMC. We are a business that provides a service paid for with membership dues and sponsorships. 

Do I have to own a Mercedes to be a member?

No, you do not have to own a Mercedes to be a member.  We welcome Mercedes enthusiast and individuals with the Mercedes attitude of liking great things.

What is the age range?

We welcome anyone to join who is at least 18 years of age. (Although many events in night clubs will state that no one under 21 may attend for legal reasons).  There will be events specifically designed for families and children of the members.  These events may specify the age range for children to participate, say children or families welcome.

How do I register for a BMC event?

Registration is highly recommended for all BMC events especially Kids Activities.  The best way to do that is to refer to the Events page and click on the event you want to register for enter your user name and password, select your interested event, and follow the directions listed on the specific event page for registration and payment. Please note that if the Registration button does not appear, the event is FULL.

We will also have registration for events at our meetup site: be sure to visit here for quick access to events.

Open (unpaid) registrations will be canceled. BMC does not process refunds for events. If you're unable to attend, you may sell your space to another member. For free events, please fill your space if you're unable to attend as a courtesy to fellow members and the participating venues.

How do I find out about BMC Sponsored events?

BMC sponsors many activities each month that are advertised in a variety of ways: listed on the Event Calendar, posted on the Sponsor’s site, printed in the newsletter (coming soon) and sent via email blasts to members. Refer to our Events page for more details on types of events.

It is also recommended that you join our meetup group at: .

How do I join BMC or renew my membership?

BMC offers membership applications and renewals online. New members apply for membership at any time, but it may take up to 10 days for membership application to be processed.  Current or past members can renew their memberships online, even past their expiration date.

New Members

Click on the "Join Now!"  Button found on almost any page and fills in all the information as completely as possible.  Please note: Any credit card charges made to BMC will read on your statement as "".

Renewing members

Renewing members can renew their membership beginning one month before their membership expires.  Members who renew after their expiration may experience a disruption in services--you may miss a newsletter, you may not be able to access your profile and member specific date and you may be removed from our email list temporarily.  Renewing members should choose “Member Login” and review and update any information and pay to renew their membership immediately.  Please note: Any credit card charges made to BMC will read on your statement as "".  

If you cannot remember your username or password, please call 1-866-HLP-CLUB (457-2582) or e-mail  BMC does not maintain member login information.

Is my credit card information secure?

Yes, BMC does not have access to credit information you input for your membership.  All membership information goes through Club Express.  BMC never receives any of your credit card information unless you come to a specific event and pay at the door then that information may either be accepted by the venue hosting the event or you will have paid at the door. Your credit card number and information is not made available to us, even to the management of the BMC.

Is my member data secured?

We understand the need for privacy. BMC will never divulge information about its members to anyone. Your member profile gives you the option to display your personal information to other members of the club only if you choose to do so.

Can I get a refund on my membership dues?

BMC does not refund membership dues once they have been paid.

Can I get a refund if I cancel for a pre-paid event?

Unless otherwise noted in the Event Payment Details, refunds are not given but may be transferred to another party.  By registering for events, you understand that you may not receive a refund should you need to withdraw.

What do I do if I want to cancel my membership?

Contact our membership chair so she can convince you to stay!  If, however, you do decide to end your membership, you can contact the chair at the email below and she will remove you from our roster.  You will no longer receive our newsletter and all benefits will be terminated.  We do not refund any membership fees.  Whatever level of membership you join under (Basic, Platinum or Elite) your membership is an annual membership plan and your membership will expire twelve (12) months from the date of your sign up.  You can elect not to renew at that time. If you join under the automatic renewal using your credit card it will automatically be billed on the same date as your signup date the following year. To cancel the automatic renewal of your membership, email your request at least a week before your renewal date to:" 

Can I bring my kids or pets to an event?

That depends on the specific event. Some events are specifically for kids or pets.  However, not every event is kid or pet friendly. In the description of each event will be icons telling you whether kids or pets are welcome to attend. Please remember that members are responsible for any damage their kids or pets may cause and BMC assumes no responsibility for any injuries. BMC may ask a parent to sign a liability waiver on behalf of a child attending certain events.

What do my dues cover?

Your BMC dues get you access to the BMC website, It allows you to build your own profile, your dues support or community service initiatives, your membership provides you with discounts from our sponsors and certain discounts to events.  Members can RSVP and pre-register for events on the BMC site. 

Your dues help to cover the administrative costs of maintaining the BMC site, of planning and executing the BMC events and getting them on the BMC events calendar.   We strive to host at least one event every month so that you'll always have a lot of diverse events to choose from. We do the planning and organizing; you just show up and have fun! For additional details refer to the membership or events section of our site.

How much is the membership?

We currently have two (2) memberships available: the Basic Membership which is currently FREE and the Platinum Membership which is our popular membership that gives the member a lot of benefits including a personalized card with the member's name on it. ONLY the Platinum card currently comes with a custom card Please refer to the "MEMBERS" section for more detail.

Are the events free?

It depends on the event. Some events may require the purchase of tickets or incur some travel costs. Each event listing will clearly state if it is free or not, and if not, what the anticipated costs will be. We always strive to get group discounts for our members.

Can I bring a guest to a BMC event?

Guests are usually welcome at BMC events. In the description of each event will be an icon telling you whether guests are welcome, to attend, how many guests a member can invite and what the cost will be. 

Members will take priority over guests at events where space is limited. We highly recommend pre-registering for events which will help in ensuring you have enough reserved space for you and your guest. Members bringing guests to a BMC event are responsible for that guest's behavior and any damage that they may cause.

How can I become a BMC Regional Manager?

BMC is seeking Regional Managers for various cities.  The Regional Manager will have certain perks and will receive a percentage for every sponsor and membership they bring in their city.  The Regional Manager will have certain minimum requirements that must be met in order to qualify.  Those are as follows:

You must have a Mercedes Benz; You must First and Foremost be a People Person; You must be able to correspond via email or phone as needed with the CEO Mr. Robinson but at least once per month on scheduled conference calls to plan new events and activities; You have to be friendly, courteous and respectful to all event attendees; You have to be a Responsive and responsible; You must be able to lead/coordinate at least 1 event/activity per month in your area and attend it or have a representative attend it to assist the members and gather information needed for reporting; You should like to have fun, enjoy life and love meeting new people!

If you are interested in becoming a Regional Manager and you meet the minimum requirements listed above, please email:  

What if I forget my password and username?

Please try to keep track of your password because we don't have access to it in our office!   With that said things happen so if you have forgotten your password or user name, go to the log-in page and click on the Forgot My Username/Password button and follow the instructions. Your user name and password will be sent to you via email within a few minutes. If you still have problems call 1-866-HLP-CLUB (457-2582) or e-mail

Do you have to Black to be a member of BMC?

No, we are not a divisive membership organization.  The main thrust of the club is to provide knowledge and support to minority owned businesses and to those wanting to do business with the minority community.

We encourage anyone who wants to support our community of businesses to become a member so they too can take advantage of the phenomenal discounts, promotions, events and community action.

Do you have to be a Black owned business to be a Sponsor on the BMC?

No, we are also interested in businesses that want to do business with minorities and sponsors to support our community service activities. 

Also, anyone can contribute to our BMC Charity.


What if there's no chapter in my state?

The front page has a list of cities we are looking to have chapters in between 2009 and 2010.   We will be looking for Regional Managers in these cities, please refer to the section entitled “How can I become a BMC Regional Manager".  If you do not qualify to be a regional manager you can make a recommendation if you know of someone who would qualify and we are looking for Sales Associates in these cities as well and the only thing needed is a desire to help others.

Otherwise, know that we will be expanding first in the cities listed on the front page and then we will begin to add more cities with time.  In the mean time feel free to join the club in any city in which it is active.  Being a member entitles you to all the benefits of the membership regardless of what city you are in. 

Can I pay by check?

We STRONGLY urge our members to make payments on line with a credit card because we receive the contents of our mailbox once a month and you will probably want your membership to be active before then.  Further, at the time of renewal you would not want your membership to expire. If you are renewing your membership and your account expires between visits to the mailbox, you could experience an interruption in your member benefits and you will be removed from our online forum. I

f you wish to send a check, it should have the name that you want to join or joined BMC with (if not, please write it on the check) so that we can easily update your account. Send the check to:

Black Mercedes Club
PO Box 868
Lithia Springs, Ga 30122

What if I joined in one city and now I'm moving to another city?

If you are a Platinum Member you will have a card with your name on it as long as it has not expired it will entitle you to all the benefits of the membership regardless of what city you are in. Basic Memberships are currently limited to what it on the site but do not receive a card nor can they take advantage of the discounts without a card. Please refer to the Members page for more details.